


Annemarie Craigen RMT

Registered Massage Therapist

One of my earliest memories was rubbing my grandma’s knees for her after gardening; I always volunteered, and she told me that I have “the touch” – that delighted me to no end!

I became a registered massage therapist in 2001 to help relieve people’s pain and suffering. When the lymphatic system sparked my interest in 2004, I studied and became certified to treat persons with lymphedema. (Many topics have since sparked my interest and I’m a perpetual learner 😊)

My massage style is based on Swedish massage and Manual Lymphatic drainage techniques, allowing for deep relaxation and healing of many conditions, including sprains and strains, trigger points, sinus congestion, migraines, TMJ tension, frozen shoulders, edemas and scar management. I am trained in prenatal, post partum and infant massage, oncology massage. Two novel techniques that I am proud of are acupressure and Indian head massage

My tools, besides my hands, are guacha (stone tools), cupping, and therapeutic laser and kinesio – taping.  Hydro-therapy is used when necessary.

I consider massage therapy to be a fundamental part of repair, recovery and maintenance of musculoskeletal tissue; an excellent tool for enhancing physical and mental wellbeing.

My approach is to focus on helping you to live your best life, one day at a time.



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