


Dr. Stephanie Matte, ND

Naturopathic Doctor

Struggling through life can be hard when you feel like your health concerns are not heard or you feel as if you might just have to “live with it”. I am a Naturopathic doctor focused on YOU and my ultimate goal is to give you the tools so that you feel ready to tackle any health concern that comes your way, and to feel like there's someone always in your corner with no judgement or wrong intentions.

I have a clinical focus in digestive issues, stress, fatigue/burnout and hormone health. This is because these systems or conditions are so intertwined that a concern in one of these areas often presents in the other. For example, the presentation of different thyroid diseases often have symptoms presenting in the digestive tract.

Having undergone my own struggles for many years in my late teens and early-mid twenties with digestive issues, overwhelming burnout, adult acne, etc. I took a deeper dive into these topics with a burning desire to help not only myself, but everyone else to not have to go through what I did without optimal support. Nothing is ever easy to change, but nothing easy ever created lifelong change in someone. I feel as though life is a balance and I think that means making the proper health changes, but occasionally eating the cake too (preferably chocolate please). I want you to THRIVE in life, not just exist.

I graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelor’s degree in Science that specialized in Human Kinetics and continued my studies at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. I’ve always loved learning about how the body works and have put continued learning at the top of my priorities list so that I practice with the most up-to-date evidence-based medicine in the industry. I am a fully licensed ND in Ontario, being a part of both the Ontario and Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND & CAND) and am in good standing with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO). I also have done extra schooling in order to obtain my Prescribing and Therapeutics license with CONO.

I grew up in Sudbury, ON which means my love of nature and outdoor Northern life is deep rooted. When not in the clinic I love to be outdoors; exploring, hiking, biking, camping, swimming, etc. As well, the bliss of reading a good book at the lake will always be the highlight of my summer. But in the day to day, a fair bit of my spare time is at the gym (major fitness fan!) and learning new hobbies to keep my love of change and adventure thriving. Lately it has been rock climbing at local indoor facilities, and handstands. Both definitely kicked my butt in the beginning but like with anything, "The greater the difficulty, the more the glory in surmounting it." - Epicurus. All in all, doing things that push my body both mentally and physically SIGN ME UP.

 Now that you know a little about me, I want to know a little (or a lot) about you. I'd love to be a part of your health journey!



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